News & Articles

13 May 2022

Learn More About Audio Latency With This Home Theatre Hack

When it comes to building the perfect home theatre, latency is a word that has the power to make all DIY’ers flinch. When the audio doesn’t quite match up to the onscreen visuals, even by just a few seconds, it can prove frustrating.

13 May 2022

Ready For Warmer Weather? What About Your Garden?

Bring out the deckchairs, trundle out the barbecue, and stock up on those hay fever tablets. Spring is here. The prospect of long, bright afternoons spent dozing among the birds and bees is becoming more palpable. If the forecasters are believed, we’re due for a period of sunny conditions. Time to start preparing!

6 April 2022

The Perfect Sound Solution For Your Retail Space

From the art of shelf stacking to the science of shop windows, so much time and attention is focused on what shoppers can see. It comes as some surprise therefore that not a whole lot of effort goes into what they hear.

9 March 2022

A Match Made In Audio Heaven

For those who own, or are looking to buy, ceiling speakers for their home, one of the most exciting discoveries in store is realising the many compatibility benefits on offer. Because for our product developers, success means not just delivering awesome products, but allowing them to fit in seamlessly with the rest of your home technology as well.

9 February 2022  |  Amit

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Playlist - Courtesy Of Lithe Audio

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Playlist - Courtesy Of Lithe Audio

When it comes to creating the perfect Valentine’s Day ambience, nothing sets the heart aflutter quite like romantic music. It’s true - even the most mundane of conversations can achieve an enhanced level of intimacy with the right melody to accompany it. Supplied with an active Spotify subscription and a decent set of speakers, anyone can become a silver tongued casanova.

1 February 2022

Control Your Speakers With Ease Using Apple Airplay Functionality

One of the most exciting recent developments in home technology is enabling inter-brand compatibility. When it comes to enjoying the all-singing, all-dancing entertainment setup all homeowners desire, allowing separate devices to communicate with each other is an important step forward. At Lithe Audio, we’ve always been proponents of seamless functioning between devices, which is why our Wi-Fi ceiling speakers wear the below badge with pride.

12 January 2022

Pitch Perfect: How To Achieve The Ultimate Sound Setting For You

At Lithe Audio, we believe that beauty is in the ear of the beholder. Something that sounds sublime to one listener might be downright cacophonous to another. Perhaps those bass notes are slightly too overbearing, or those jangly guitars sound tinnitus-inducing? No two audio experiences are alike.

4 January 2022

Make High-Res Audio Your New Year’s Resolution

NYE is a time of upgrades. It’s about planning improvements to your health, wealth and happiness. From splashing out on a year’s gym membership to pursuing that business idea you’ve always envisaged, that initial spark of inspiration would be nothing without the patience and dedication involved in achieving it.

23 December 2021

Near-Zero Latency: What It Means For You and Your Home

When creating the perfect home entertainment setup, perfect results don’t happen every time. Too often, devices bought from different manufacturers can have a jarring effect, with a lack of compatibility limiting the performance of each device. For your audiovisual setup, this may mean experiencing latency between sound and picture, which can prove quite frustrating. Imagine tuning in to a sporting event and getting delayed crowd reactions, or watching a film and hearing explosions after the fact.

10 December 2021

5 Christmas Songs To Fill Your Home With Festive Cheer

Of all Christmas traditions, kissing under the mistletoe is one that should be supplanted. Its awkwardly contrived romanticism lacks spontaneity, and is a flagrant breach of social distancing guidelines.

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