News & Articles

30 October 2018  |  Admin

Have a spooktacular Halloween with Lithe Audio

Happy Halloween!

So your Theresa May outfit has arrived, the pumpkin is looking sufficiently ghoulish, and that Halloween playlist has been painstakingly created. For those looking to hold the perfect Halloween house party this year, the devil is often in the detail.

8 October 2018  |  Amit

The science of sound - How Lithe Audio delivers superb sound quality

We here at Lithe Audio are audio geeks. Which means we’re continually searching for better and more efficient ways of bringing superb sounding audio to homes and businesses around the UK and the world.

We realise the importance of music in bringing people together and deliver amazing experiences for you, your friends, and your family. And a decent quality sound system is a feature that can really get people dancing together and having a great time.

5 September 2018  |  Admin

Get back to school with these great classroom gadgets

It’s the time every student hates and every parent secretly relishes. It’s back to the classroom for our little ones. And as the uniformed hordes of pupils prepare to descend upon the streets and pavements ready for the new school year, it may be a good time to consider how to really maximise the educational opportunities for students and teachers alike.

24 July 2018  |  Amit

Let Lithe Audio rock your summer with our new garden speakers

For Lithe Audio’s designers, innovation never sleeps. When they’re not in the office, they’re ever alert to how lifestyles can be improved and homes brought into the 21st century. They’ve won awards for it.

24 July 2018  |  Amit

Why no modern bedroom is complete without ceiling speakers

Are you proud of your bedroom? If you’re one of the many thousands of people who have to wade past a shark infested floor whenever you go to bed, then the answer is probably a despairing no.

1 June 2018  |  Amit

Now in super stereo!

We weren’t joking when we told you innovation never sleeps.

13 May 2018  |  Amit

Did someone say 'winner'?

After a glamorous night at the annual Electrical Wholesaler Awards, we’re extremely proud to announce that our All-in-one bluetooth bluetooth speaker has won the much coveted Best New Product Award!

1 May 2018  |  Amit

Lithe Audio - Electrical Wholesaler Awards Finalist 2018

If there’s one thing we can be considered guilty of in this blog, it’s singing our own praises. We recognise that investing your money in a top of the range sound system is a choice that requires a lot of deliberation and careful research.

3 April 2018  |  Amit

Become the next Masterchef with these smart kitchen gadgets

How can I get the kitchen of the future?’ is what a lot of home owners are asking these days. More so than any other room in the house, kitchens do not age well.

5 Comments2 April 2018  |  Amit

Hit for six! The latest Lithe Audio update to turbocharge your home audio

Our designers have developed an easy wiring solution that can ensure up to three master speakers and their passives can play at one time.

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