8 April 2019 | Admin
Award season is truly underway, and the Lithe Audio trophy cabinet has yet another entry. To round off an incredible week for the team, we are delighted to have been recognised in BUILD’s 2019 Design & Build Awards! |
4 April 2019 | Admin
For Lithe Audio’s designers, innovation never sleeps. Ever on the hunt for new opportunities, they are on a continual quest to bring the latest home audio breakthroughs to your home. |
4 April 2019 | Admin
If there’s one fail-safe indication of how nice the weather’s getting, it’s the whiff of sizzling sausages coming from your next door neighbour’s garden. And as you dust off the cobwebs to your own cooker, it might be worth exploring how to really make the most of your garden parties this summer. Thankfully, Lithe Audio have the perfect product to ensure those long, balmy evenings spent with friends are as enjoyable as possible. |
22 March 2019 | Admin
19 March 2019 | Admin
Are you renovating your home? If so, chances are you've pored over countless catalogues and spent many hours online finding the most affordable changes to make around your house. For many, the costs can rapidly stack up. Very quickly, your ideal home can become something of a pipe dream, as you realise the full cost of wholesale renovations. Fortunately, there are some easy wins to be made when updating your household. Our designers are constantly on the hunt for new ways to make your life more efficient and hassle free, and this is reflected in the many amazing products that we sell. |
14 February 2019 | Admin
Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or romantically hopeless, Valentine’s Day is about spending time with loved ones. Whether this is an actual human partner or your playstation, a successful Valentine's day is all about creating the perfect atmosphere. |
1 February 2019 | Amit
We are forever looking to push the boundaries of what is possible for home audio. From the phonautograph all the way through to our own Wifi ceiling speaker, audio technology has made some pretty huge strides forward over the years. |
21 January 2019 | Amit
We all dream of having the perfect kitchen - work surfaces that are eternally clean. Fittings and appliances that simply beg you to use them. Even the less culinarily advanced among us can admit to suffering a minor pang of guilt whenever TV chefs flaunt their dreamlike kitchen decor. |
18 December 2018 | Amit
If you’re on the hunt for gadgets to gift loved ones this Christmas, and have exhausted all the latest offerings, then let us tell you about some of the items you may have missed! |
13 December 2018 | Admin
If you’re struggling with Christmas gift ideas for 2018, you might want to consider some of the latest technological advancements around the home. Specifically, those designed to make lifestyles easier and more carefree. While the temporary enjoyment of receiving a novelty beer hat has its charms, the best and most lasting presents are the ones that really provide a permanent function. |